I was checking my friend requests, and I noticed that the friends list has been updated. It is now listed in alphabetical order. I liked how your best friends were listed in the order in which they became your friend. But it is easier to find your friends now because they are in order by name. What else do you think Stardoll should change? I think Stardoll should organize our closets like the storage box (tops in one section, bottoms in another, and dresses in another) I have tons and tons of clothes in my closet but I hate going in it. So I dress my doll with items from my storage box. My closet used to be organized this way, but the last time Stardoll changed the closet everything in my closet was moved to different spots. Does anyone know if the closest will stay organized once you save your suite. I tried this a while ago, and it didn't stay organized, so I haven't tired it since.
UPDATE: The club page has also been updated.
i hate stardoll it is sooo horible like i have an account and when log in it shows me a hole buch of diffrent girls or shoud i say stardolls