Another club based on a movie!! But we don't get the cool gifts like the other clubs.
Also, I don't think we received any stardollars for the Princess Protection Program Club. But we did get the necklace and poster.
And we received the guitar in the Jonas Brothers Club for reaching 40,000 members. (But we're supposed to get the guitar for reaching 50,000 members & the poster for reaching 40,000 members).
UPDATE: I went back and looked closer at my transactions. I forgot we got $5 sd in the beginning of June for the Confessions club (I thought it was later in the month). Like V/http://thestardollinsiders.wordpress.com/ (see the comments) I only got $5sd for the Princess Club on two of my dolls, but I didn't get it for my 3rd doll.
So check your transactions if you want to know if you got your $5. :0
It's weird. On most accounts I got the 5sd from the Princess club, but on one I didn't :S
I went back and looked closer at my transactions and I did get the 5sd. :0